年を重ねれば重ねるほど人は自分に甘くなると思う …
2010年に渡仏。2011年よりパリ市運営の芸術団体に所 属 し、フランス・イタリア・アメリカでの芸術活動や展示会に参 加する。パリ、東京、名古屋での個展も好評を博す。
ANnCo MIURA was born in 1980 in Shizuoka, Japan, into a traditionnal Japanese family. Since her early age - even before she knew how to hold chopsticks- Annco MIURA was holding brushes. She learne Japanese calligraphy, with her aunt who is a teacher and Master in calligraphy, thanks to whom she became an expert in both Japanese calligraphy and drawings.
At the age of 18, she decided to live as an artist and to devote herself to paint. In Tokyo, Japan, she worked in fashion, film industry, design and architecture, from which she earned lessons that will shape her taste for different artistic and plastic disciplines; which also allowed her to build bridges between different forms of artistic expression.
In 2010, she wants to discover European cultures and to "experience" France especially. She made several trips across Europe and stayed in different major European cities, but it is in Paris that she felt particularly well. Her inspiration came from her personal history: from her traditional Japanese culture education,from her travels, from her intimate relationship to post-war urban architecture in Japan, to the Infinite, and to the human being in search of spirituality.
For several years, Annco MIURA's artistic creation has been made up of squares, circles, lines and curves, which produce infinite possibilities and multiple complexities that arise from the unconscious, building labyrinths similar to the paths of life, discoveries, adventures, failures, successes and successes. Her works are similar to mandalas, and today, her labyrinths of all colors capture the dialogue between reality and the universe of the senses, and bring us a new reading on this reality that surrounds us, an exacerbated perception that goes beyond the 5 senses. This new vector of perception of the world, which we call the 5 ½ sens.
Each of her works expresses patience, reflection, in reverse of a world always faster and faster. Her labyrinths produce very dynamic drawings although at the same time very sensitive and full of poetry. Today, she shares her life and work between Paris and Tokyo, two cities steeped in history and culture, made of tradition and modernity, finding in each of these cities the necessary inspirations for her artistic creation.
She has already exhibited in several galleries in Japan, France and Europe. ANnCO MIURA's works are part of major collections in Japan, France, Italy, New York, etc. Several exhibitions are planned for the years 2018 and 2019, in Japan, France, Italy and Spain.
年を重ねれば重ねるほど人は自分に甘くなると思う …
フランスでは珍しくないことだが子育ての家庭環境は日本のそれとは比較にならないほど多種多様 …
パリの大家さんは御年90歳 ニシンのパイを作ってくれそうな…
みなさま初めまして。 東京とパリを拠点に画家をしております…